
Local associations
The ChristenUnie is a national federation of about 160 local associations. The members of the party are formally members of the local associations. All the local association together form the national party.

More over 400 councillors, 70 aldermen, 8 mayors and hundreds of volunteers represent the ChristenUnie in the Dutch local municipalities.

Provincial branches
Provincial politics in the Netherlands are a vital link between the local authorities and the national government. The ChristianUnion works on its provincial programmes through 12 provincial branches: one in every province. A provincial branch is a group of all local associations in that province.

The ChristenUnie is represented by 38 councillors in the provincial councils and has 6 provincial executives.

National Party Congress
The general assembly of the party (Partijcongres) is the meeting of the members of the party and the local associations. Also the linked youth organization (PerspectieF) and the association of councillors (Bestuurdersvereniging) have the right of speech and voting rights. It appoints the national board and decides on the candidates lists for the elections of the Senate (Eerste Kamer) and the House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) of the national parliament and the European Parliament and has the last say over the party programme.

National board

The ChristenUnie is managed by the national board which is chaired by the party’s president. For international relations the board has an International Secretary.

Party Office
The party’s headquarters is located in the city of Amersfoort. In this office staff members work on campaigning and communication, trainings, international projects and the financial and member administration. Also the Research Institute and the youth organization are settled in the Party Office.