
ChristianUnion National Office

The national office of the ChristianUnion, the The Research Institute the mr. G. Groen van Prinsterer Foundation, the political training institute (Opleidingscentrum) and PerspectieF (youth-organization) are seated in Amersfoort.

Mailing address: P.O. Box 439, 3800 AK Amersfoort, The Netherlands

Phone: +31 33-4226969 (monday till friday, between 9.00 AM and 5.00 PM)
E-mail: | 

Parliamentary Group

Visiting address: Plein 2, 2511 CR The Hague, The Netherlands
> Route (in Dutch)

Mailing address: P.O. Box 20018, 2500 EA The Hague, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 70-3183057 and +31 70-3183664

Senate Group

Visiting address: Binnenhof 22, 2513 AA The Hague, The Netherlands
> Route (in Dutch)

Mailing address: P.O. Box 20017, 2500 EA The Hague, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 70-3129200 (general number, the senate group is only present on Tuesdays)
Fax: 070-3653868  (general number, the senate group is only present on Tuesdays)