Christians in the Netherlands come from all over the country and all cultures of the world. The ChristenUnie wants to assemble all these Christians. The Colourful Network is inviting you to join their Colourful meeting on Saturday October 12th.
The Colourful Network of the ChristenUnie is founded to represent the multicultural diversity within the party and to amplify the relation between the ChristenUnie and multicultural communities. We address topics such as the multicultural society, migrant churches, racism, discrimination and diversity. We also see about meetings between Christians and encourage talent to grow and achieve their ambitions.
During the Colourful Meeting we want to assemble Christians from all cultures to meet and talk about the relation between faith and politics. The core questions are: “Politics; how does it affect you? And how can you feel “At home at the ChristenUnie?”.
During this evening member of parliament Don Ceder will speak on the importance of Christian connectedness in the society and in politics.
Pastor Jerry Mendeszoon from the Victory Outreach Church Rotterdam will encourage us from the Gospel.
Walk-in will start at 17.00h. We will start the evening at 17.30h with praise and worship. After that we will have dinner together. Than we will have different break-out sessions. During this sessions we will talk about different topics: the problem of the housing of churches, being political-active as Christians en about involving youths in society and politics. There will also be a session where we will pray for the country and its politics. At 21.30h we will close with drinks and snacks.
During the evening we will part in groups to talk about different topics. The topics are listed below. You can register for the topic of your preference:
I would like to talk about this topic:
The evening will take place in the building of Victory Outreach Rotterdam (address: Mijnsherenplein 9).
To make this evening possible we ask a contribution of € 17,50. If you cannot afford this contribution, we still want to welcome you and you can register for free. If you are able to help others and are willing to pay a little more for them, we appreciate that. You can voluntarily increase your contribution to € 27,50.
This event is open to both members and non-members. Are you a member, friend, subscriber of newsletter-receiver? Then you have an account. Log in to register (or click ‘forgot password’ if you don’t know your login details). If you don’t have an account, please make an account.